Ace the 2024 Occupational & Environmental Health Quiz – Master Disease & Injury Prevention!

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Question: 1 / 50

Which of the following is not a focus for taking an occupational and environmental history?

Figuring out the patient's favorite color

There are a few reasons why option A is incorrect. Firstly, taking an occupational and environmental history is typically focused on gathering information related to an individual's job and surroundings that may have an impact on their health. Asking about a patient's favorite color does not pertain to this topic and would not provide useful information for healthcare professionals. Additionally, focusing on favorite color may distract from gathering important information about hazardous substances at work, hobbies, and residential and environmental exposures, all of which are crucial for understanding potential health risks.

Exposures to hazardous substances at work

Hobbies that may cause exposure to hazards

Residential and environmental exposures


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